XP in Montréal, Québec, Canada
Come and join us ! We meet on the first Thursday of every month at Cafe Veranda (formerly Cafe de Nuit), a little restaurant / bar at the north-east corner of Prince Arthur and St. Dominique (not very far from St. Laurent Street), at 19h00.
If you are taking the metro, go to Sherbrooke metro station. When you leave the metro, cross the park with the fountain that you will see right across the street (Carré Saint Louis --ar). The cobblestone road is Prince Arthur and Cafe Veranda is about three blocks further.
Les francophones sont bienvenus bien sur!
The next meeting will be on Thursday, October 5, 2006.
Mailing List: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/xpmtl.
Interested People: see MontrealXpUsersGroupExperienceAndSkills
Les valeurs du Groupe XP: see MontrealXpMeetingTwentyThird
Presentations and Quasi-Minutes of Past Meetings
- MontrealXpMeetingWinterFive (2006 - 20060105)
- MontrealXpMeetingsWinterSpringFour (2004)
- MontrealXpMeetingsSummerFallThree (2003)
- MontrealXpMeetingThirtySecond (Tuesdsay 17th June 2003)
- MontrealXpMeetingThirtyFirst (Thursday 5th June 2003)
- MontrealXpMeetingTwoYears (Saturday 31rst May 2003)
- MontrealXpMeetingThirtieth (Tuesday 20th May 2003)
- MontrealXpMeetingTwentyNineth (Thursday 1rst May 2003)
- MontrealXpMeetingTwentyEighth (Tuesday 15th April 2003) MontrealXpTrustStudyGroup
- MontrealXpMeetingTwentySeventh (Thursday 3rd April 2003)
- MontrealXpMeetingTwentySixth (Tuesday 18th March 2003)
- MontrealXpMeetingTwentyFifth (Thursday 6th March 2003)
- MontrealXpMeetingTwentyFourth (Tuesday 18th February 2003)
- MontrealXpMeetingTwentyThird (Thursday 6th February 2003) ImplementerXpLeconApprises
- MontrealXpMeetingTwentySecond (Friday 17th January 2003) Informal meeting with Kent Beck at Olio's. Peel and Sherbrooke. Thank you Kent!
- MontrealXpMeetingTwentyFirst (January 2003) MontrealXpProject MontrealXpPresentationList
- MontrealXpMeetingTwentieth (December 2002) MontrealXpProject
- MontrealXpMeetingNineteen (November 2002) MontrealXpProject
- MontrealXpMeetingEighteen (October 2002) MontrealXpProject
- MontrealXpMeetingSeventeen (September 2002) MontrealXpProject
- MontrealXpMeetingSixteen (August 2002) MontrealXpProject
- MontrealXpMeetingFifteen (July 2002) MontrealXpQuestionsAndAnswersSubjects
- MontrealXpMeetingFourteen (June 2002) MontrealXpCalculator
- MontrealXpMeetingThirteen (May 2002) MontrealXpCoachingPresentation One Year already!
- MontrealXpMeetingTwelve (April 2002) Acceptance Tests
- MontrealXpMeetingEleven (March 2002) MontrealXpEtsPresentation
- MontrealXpMeetingTen (February 2002) MontrealXpMockObjectsPresentation
- Ecole De Techologie Supérieure Presentation and connected subjects
- MontrealXpMeetingSeven (December 2001 with WilliamWake)
- MontrealXpMeetingSix (December 2001)
- MontrealXpMeetingFive (November 2001) MontrealXpToolsPresentation
- MontrealXpMeetingFour (October 2001)
- MontrealXpMeetingThree (September 2001) MontrealXpPairProgrammingPresentation
- MontrealXpMeetingTwo (August 2001)
- MontrealXpMeetingOne (May 2001)
See also
Site relatifs à XP en français LiensFrancais
Agile Montreal: http://www.pyxis-tech.com/agilemontreal/en/home.html, http://www.pyxis-tech.com/agilemontreal/fr/home.html
Our ongoing work: MontrealXpCalculatorGame
Pools of Insight: A Pattern Language for Study Groups - http://www.industriallogic.com/papers/kh.html
PUMA proposition (english version): http://www.rad.fr/
CategoryGroup CategoryXpUsersGroup