Most ItManagers are in the business of PeopleManagement, specifically in the management of relationships with stakeholders under constraints.
This page serves to link WikiPages that relate to the people side of management
Stakeholders include:
- Senior managers
- Peers in the management rank
- External and internal customers
- Suppliers and external partners
- Staff within his functional area, which can be challenging at times, if they are charged with the ManagementOfUnderchallengedTechnicalStaff
There are also a small number of management roles that have little people related responsibilities. See WikiPedia for a detail list of all management category and functions at
Behavioral and people related management techniques at WardsWiki
- ActiveListening
- AssumeGoodFaith
- HearWhatYouSay
- HowToWinFriendsAndInfluencePeople
- HumanInteractions
- InterTeamCommunication
- OnlySayThingsThatCanBeHeard
- QualitiesOfInfluentialPeople
- SeekFirstToUnderstand
- ThinkWinWin
CapabilityMaturityModel for PeopleManagement
- 1 - Initial
- 2 - Managed
- 3 - Defined
- 4 - Predictable
- 5 - Optimizing
Oh dear. This seems to have been generated by almost mechanical process from the software CMM. Given we're talking about peoople, good luck with #4