OpenLaszlo is an OpenSource PrototypeBasedProgramming language based on ExtensibleMarkupLanguage and JavaScript, which runs in the MacromediaFlash player (or any JavaScript supporting browser as of OpenLaszlo 4.0), and was developed by LaszloSystems.
It's an XmlProgrammingLanguage for DeclarativeProgramming of GraphicalUserInterface, and developing RichInternetApplication with RemoteGuiProtocols and EventDrivenProgramming. It supports ConstraintProgramming and BindingProperties via XPath and JavaScript, integrates OoAndXml, and exploits TheRealStrengthOfXml, without being clumsy and verbose like other XmlProgrammingLanguage's.
The OpenLaszlo programming language elegantly solves JavaScript's annoying class syntax and scoping problems, with a simple XML class declaration and object instantiation syntax. Laszlo programs are valid XML documents, containing JavaScript code in method bodies, and JavaScript expressions in attributes.
You can customize any object with its own methods, event handlers and attributes. Furthermore, Laszlo's class declaration and object instantiation syntax supports InstanceFirstDevelopment, as described in Oliver Steel's article on Classes and Prototypes at
Laszlo was the original inspiration for MacromediaFlex (now AdobeFlex), but Laszlo is now OpenSource while Flex is proprietary and quite expensive.
-- DonHopkins
But that is changing, the FlexSofwareDevelopmentKit is free and Adobe says that Flex will be OpenSource, and now only the FlexBuilder and FlexLifeCycleDataServices are sold (and only FlexLifeCycleDataServices is still really expensive...)
"The OpenLaszlo programming language elegantly solves JavaScript's annoying class syntax and scoping problems"
What is wrong with JavaScript's class syntax? What scoping problems does it have? As far as I can tell, it has lexical block scoping and closures, which is pretty good by the standards of most mainstream programming languages.
How on earth does using XML as a syntax help in any way?
CategoryProgrammingLanguage CategoryXml CategoryJavaScript CategoryComponents