One Improvement Per Wiki Page

last modified: May 23, 2005

One WikiGnome's view:

If every Wikizen made at least one improvement to each page they saw, we would have:

But, more importantly, we would have:

It is almost a guarantee that you can find something to improve on any given WikiPage.


Of course, when you do find the occasional page that lacks an obvious improvement, by all means just enjoy it.

I agree entirely, but I find that most WikiPages have tabs and it's an absolute chore for me to replace them all with sufficient spaces. If pages were easier to edit I'd be doing it silently and behind the scenes, but there's just no way I'm going to spend 20 minutes adding or deleting single lines or words to pages, fixing broken links, or even trying to broker peace. LifesJustTooShort.

If LifesJustTooShort to spend 20 minutes fixing everything on a page, try spending 2 minutes fixing just one thing, and trust the other 39 people to fix the other stuff. With regard to the tabs, if your browser destroys them, ignore pages that have tabs. It may be, of course, that by now you've updated your browser so it's no longer a problem.

If the amount to fix is daunting, RefactorLowHangingFruit.

CategoryWikiMaintenance CategoryWikiEditing
