There are advantages in running the OldStuff DonaldNoyes.DoingStuff.20121105 20140711
I am still an active participant at WardsWiki, because I have a strong tendency toward old, stable, dependable, proven and flexible things. ItWorks is a primary tenant for me. I am found running BehindTheCurve OnPurpose continually capturing items of interest, which connect me to the past, far past, present and future utilizing artifacts that "know about each other", perhaps these will move me toward stuff that is becoming "WhatItWantsToBe".
I continue to capture via my PaperPorting the paper and media items of the past with what I have called WikiBatics, using agreeable vehicles of Wiki, PaperPort, NysLte and AdobeAcrobat in ProcessingHistoricalThings.
With the recent aquisition of a Canon Ads2000 Scanner with two-side high page rate capabilities, I have accelerated this capturing and also have increased the scope to include documents such as magazines and books. This allows me to shrink the PhysicalFootprint of InformationRetained. Someone mentioned my name alongside a classification of "Packrat". It may be accurate to the degree of making personal and available my collections, but the location of stuff has become physically invisible, residing on various "storage media" of relatively small and shrinking physical size. I have rid myself now of great volumes of paper and media covering many years of accumulation, while preserving what in it was important, and is even now still important if for no other reason than it has preserved artifacts of the past (historical).
The effort involved in such preservation includes classification, description, organization, connecting and associating the information so that is has a digital and visual representation that is coherent and can become meaningful to others, since it has become so to me.
What will happen to this OldStuff in the future, when I have become unable to continue actively and physically its existence? Unless I make a ConnectionWithTheFuture, by one means or another, it may simply pass into oblivion! Perhaps the successor to what they now are calling the "Cloud" will be the place where it can reside more or less permanently, referenced by no more than TwoClicks and the words "Old Stuff","DonaldRNoyesOlatheKansas" and "CollectedArtifacts"