NysLte is a PersonalInformationManager allows the easy creation and maintenance of HyperLinkedPages with included pages which contain words, compound words and other Hyper-linking words as well as some of TheOtherThings. DoingStuff.DonaldNoyes.20141113
It is being used and refined, having just recently been selected as the approach used in the development of a program for release soon.
- More on its development and a coming public release of a free version.
- A more advanced version will be available for license which includes additional features
- which allow the creation of an unlimited number of Categories
- organized as Spaces which can contain an unlimited number of pages
Also useful from either version will be the ability to connect to sites using a SpecialCharacterPrefixProtocol as shorthand markers for site basic urls.
I have been using several versions of NysLte over the past six years
- creating hundreds of Category Spaces
- with from a couple to several hundred in each
- pages are preserved in textual form in subdirectories organized in a single data directory
In addition to being able
- to make notes (pages) as belonging to categories (spaces)
- the text of the note includes named-link mechanisms similar to WikiWiki
- linking to other pages existing or to be made, by selected by clicking on
- a character based word
- a series of characters not characterized as a word
- Compound Words
- WikiWords
- Special Words
- including prefixed (abbreviated) urls based on basic site urls (similar to a <base href= ....>, but applied only to the string following it, separated by a colon ( : )
- TheOtherThings
Current Version undergoing InProcessPlanning:
I have been planning and thinking about a program which uses a flat text linking environment, which I have named "NysLte" consisting of pages within categorized topic spaces. It is a program which uses the environment and process to aid in its own development as well as for use in TheOtherThings. It is this characteristic which allows one to define and extend notions, ideas, structures, and processes, restructuring and making code changes to enable new features and to extend old ones. This is one of the strong points of this process.
I can pick up where I left off in this process by creating a TagWord on the page, named something like: "IWorkedHereLast". Since this program can be used for organizing information one would want to link together, its usage scope can be huge. When plans for linking to external processes (which will follow as target of Version 2015), the scope will include in its reach, the entire internet, as well as links to other development venues using processes which are called ArtiFactories. These are maintained in existing, reachable and usable locales.
- NysLte2015 - (not yet distributed) includes
- features involving collections and storage via Artifactories
- enabling new innoventions such as Federations of LTEs (Linked Text Environments)
- Data stored by previous versions of NysLte will also be viewable in the newest versions
- Thus, even the text which works with NysLte2006, will work with NysLte2015
- has learning curve of just a few minutes
- mainly about what a mouse-click does in each of the clickable places: combo-boxes, text-areas, text-boxes, labels and titles, empty-areas, and TheOtherThings
- the use of locale-filtering-text-box
- first-use-setup (follow instructions in Read.Me.To.Setup
-- DonaldNoyes.20141022.20141113
Different concepts of Spaces containing Information
InformationSpace is defined as the set of concepts and relations among them held by an information system. This is as compared to CognitiveSpace, which is the set of concepts and relations among them held by a human
The Semantic Web offers exciting possibilities for information retrieval (IR).
- In IR, we would like systems that go beyond simply matching words in documents and queries, and instead match based on topic, data type, relations among data, and many other qualities.
- The Semantic Web, through fuzzy matching of information spaces from different sources, will provide for much more specific information seeking than current Web-based search engines or other IR systems.
In order to succeed, however, it is necessary to map between the differing schema, metadata standards, namespaces and so forth used by documents on the Semantic Web.
- This information space mapping may be accomplished by a simple match or table lookup when document sets come from similar or otherwise well-defined domains.
- When the match is less precise, sets of rules or algorithms may be employed to map between information spaces.
- When schema or metadata are inconsistent, though, we are left with a similar data environment as the modern Web, and must rely on the context of the documents themselves to determine the mapping between information spaces.
- ''Newby, Gregory B. (2002) "The necessity for information space mapping for information retrieval on the semantic web." Information Research, 7 (4) Available at:
© the author, 2002. Updated: 9th July 2002
Screen Example of 2010 - now obsolete version of NysLte
- Used
- on date - 20120823
- at time - 215629 (9:56:29 pm Kansas City Daylight Savings Time)
- 532 pages in the current editing space - NysLte
- one of 195 different spaces included in the EnvironmentSpace
- Page being edited - IndexPage
- Pages live in spaces, thus there could be up to 195 different IndexPages in the EnvironmentSpace
See NysWiki, WikiWithMoreThanPages, WikiWithMoreThanUsers, NoteWiki, ElreysWikiServer
CategoryWikiImplementation CategoryTextEditor