once Manager of SoftwareDevelopment at SoftwerftHamburg, Germany.
I came to XP through an article in the German magazine BasicPro (2/2000) which explored the benefits of UnitTesting.
I joined SoftwerftHamburg in September, 2000, and introduced the ideas of XP there.
SoftwerftHamburg was closed in January, 2002.
I joined MicroTool as a consultant for processes and project management in 2002. Since then I've been busy introducing our project management software InStep to our customers. Additionally, we developed actiF, an agile process which is automated in InStep and fully integrated with other developer tools. I learned about Scrum in 2005 and have coached teams and organisations of all sizes using Scrum since.
Early 2011, I joined agile42, The Agile Coaching Company (http://agile42.com) to fully concentrate on Agile Coaching. I've joined an awesome team of coaches.
Starting in June 2013, I will go independent. Looking for options to create value for people.
You can reach me at http://hhgttg.de/blog/ or on Twitter as @OlafLewitz.