Softwerft Hamburg

last modified: February 14, 2003

the softwerft is xd (extrem dead)

At ohltec SOFTWERFT GmbH in Hamburg (, we are developing business applications for professional service automation. For details of our new product, SOFT:TIME, see our homepage (currently only in German, an English version should be available during first quarter of 2001).

We are still in the process of adopting (and adapting) XP; one of our consultants in this is FrankWestphal.

We are one of the (seemingly few) companies who try using XP with VisualBasic, so if anyone is interested in using VbUnit and needs assistance, just ask.

As we're using Oracle as our primary database backend, we are going to exploit the possibilities of utPLSQL ( as well.

Anyone interested (or even experienced) in applying UnitTesting to databases is more than welcome to join in...

I'll post more about our experiences in the future.

People interested in details or jobs are welcome to contact me:

OlafLewitz +49 40 31 991 410

