Net Weaver

last modified: April 12, 2005

Apologies for the messy stuff in this page. I am trying to find out what it is. Hopefully someone will describe this animal better with more useful details. It appears to be a heavyweight contender as a development platform though.

NetWeaver is a development platform from SapCorporation (the top EnterpriseResourcePlanning firm) that debuted in 2003 (see Although primarily a JavaPlatform product (via WebSphere) , it claim interoperability with MicrosoftDotNet.

SapCorporation is said to have close relationships with MicrosoftCorporation, SAP NetWeaver appeared in DotNet roadshows, and the company was considered as a merger partner by the Redmond giant.


General info on the NetWeaverPlatform at

SAP portal product for DotNet at

SAP tells developer to focus on Business at

From NetWeaver Master Guide 04 version

see,, "SAP NetWeaver Security Guide"

NetWeaver is the technical foundation for mySAP Business Suite and SAP xApps solutions...

MicrosoftDotNet, Sun JavaTwoEnterpriseEdition (J2EE), IBM WebSphere

Adobe PF 6 interactive forms inclusion in "Web Dynpro" and "NetWeaver Developer Studio" meant SAP applications can drive business processes using PDF documents.

Scenarios include:

Installable components include (AS means "Application Server")

NetWeaver perspective on Software components

ABAP Server

ABAP server includes Change and Transport System (CTS) that supports large development teams.

New Business Server Pages programming model available after R/3 4.6C release. The Web AS includes a Internet Communication Manager (ICM) that supports HTTP/HTTPS protocols.

A Transport Management System can be used to link up development, test and prod environments.

Java Applications

scenarios include:

Messaging in "Exchange Infrastructure"

Middleware technology include:

Central SAP Administration and Monitoring System

Solution Managers are used for operational management purposes.

Specialized toolsets for admin

Gunnar, it is not intended as spam, I am learning about significant application development platforms, and I would think after IBM and MS, this could be the next biggest, and I think it would be bigger than Sun's product offering. --dl

CategoryEjb CategoryDotNet CategoryEnterpriseComputingConcerns
