Name And Define

last modified: February 25, 2008

A WikiPage usually consists of a name, expressed using a WikiWord and is, when thoughtfully used, a Concept which is defined, expanded and linked to related WikiPages or externalLinks.

In a sense a WikiPage is a Definition, not in a dictionary sense, but in the sense of setting the Value of the WikiWord used in the Title.

It is a usefulArtifact. It can increase the value of the collection of wikiPages found in a wiki by relating and associating the value of each page such that the value of the whole is more than the sum of the value of each.

Because of this relationship, care needs to be exercised in naming and forming of each page, including what is added and what is trimmed from the page to RaiseTheWikiPagePotential. It is important also to associate and link the page to the other parts of the wiki to form the wiki "Whole".

This is accomplished best when you participate and ContributePagesFromYourExpertise, and exercise in dialogue with others who are subjectMatterExperts ( as well as to link to Locales which expand upon and clarify what is found within the page.


