Taken from WikiWordsConsideredHarmful:
WikiWords are not just a displeasing restriction.
WikiWords are by their very restrictions more than a concatenation of their parts. Think of RealNamesPlease: You have to restrict yourself to a name. With FreeLinks you would have to give up this 'successful' restriction.
Also a WikiWord is more a concept than a simple word. This is so partly by being unique. You have to think hard to find the "right" WikiWord for the concept.
Can a WikiWord be considered a MiniPattern? No, (wiki) words aren't patterns, some (wiki) words are used to name patterns.
RefactorMe: Can this be merged with WikiNameAdvantages (see esp. first point) or should that page be split up into its parts?
See also NameAndConquer NameAndDefine
See WikiNameDisadvantages, WikiWordsConsideredHarmful