MicrosoftEnterpriseComputing is a page for news and links to development of inhouse enterprise applications using DistributedInternetArchitecture (DNA) and /or MicrosoftDotNet. A typical organisation would also have significant EnterpriseApplicationIntegration needs to integrate with EnterpriseResourcePlanningSoftware, which may be staged on a BigBlue platform.
In rare instances, there may also be a need to consider Interoperability with purchased third party and /or inhouse packages using JavaTwoEnterpriseEdition (J2EE).
In future, there may be LampEnterpriseSolutions that may have to be adopted as part of the total set of solutions / services provided by an inhouse IT department.
IT shops with MicrosoftEnterpriseComputing buy-in will have to be mindful of the evolving (shifting) definition of the ServiceOrientedArchitecture.
Developers in such a shop are advised to be fluent in principles of ElectronicCommerce, DistributedComputing, MicrosoftSecurity, XmlCodingTechniques, XmlExamplesOfGoodUsage, XmlDevelopmentTrends and XmlPatterns.
This is new in ComPlus 1.5, available since WindowsXp and WindowsServerTwoThousandThree. See the need for ServicesWithoutComponents at
WindowsXp SP2 has better implementation support (it now works) for this feature. See
- Anyone has comments about how this ComPlus 1.5 feature can be used gainfully by DistributedInternetArchitecture (preDotNet) applications? -- dl
VbClassic aspects
Due to the threading model supported by that language, use of object pooling is ruled out.
- NewWineOldBottle - VbClassic is the old bottle, things like WebServices is new wine
WindowsXp SP2 (Shorthorn)
Those who use SP2 has to use Whidbey as the development plaftform for compatibility.
Transaction Processing
My understanding is that although MicrosoftDotNet provides EnterpriseServices for facilitating transaction processing, behind the scenes it is still the unmanaged ComPlus that is doing the real work. This will only be changed when MicrosoftIndigo comes out with credible MicrosoftManagedCode equivalents.
Transaction models supported (ref are
- local
- distributed through ComPlus
- distributed through ServicesWithoutComponents
- distributed through "manual enlistment" in 1.1 version of AdoDotNet
Interoperability with Java
Java ActiveX Bridge Developer Guide
RollYourOwnXMLMessaging via DimeForSoap
Costing concerns
Consider licensing issues when architecting .NET solutions
SystemsManagement considerations
See DynamicSystemsInitiative (DSI) Overview White Paper at
SecurityManagement considerations
"...The key is moving to a world where it's not managed physically but managed by policies." FireWall no longer an adequate gatekeeper. See Jun05 article at,289142,sid14_gci1096652,00.html
CategoryEnterpriseComputingConcerns CategoryMicrosoft