Could this be a solution for LotteryNumber? Describe conditions and terms for LotteryProof.
I bring in intellectual challenge.
And immediate feedback from users, maybe (smiles).
The conviction of working on something that is making a difference.
How about AppreciationOfIndividualAccomplishments (see under TeamsDontThink).
For me, a project is LotteryProof (that is, I won't leave if I can help it) if:
I enjoy my co-workers' company: they get my jokes, we enjoy talking to one another. Doesn't mean we have to be close friends.
I perceive some beauty in the project.
I find the work intellectually stimulating. Usually, this means we're doing something I haven't done before; ideally, we're doing something nobody has done before.
The team is making progress; I believe that we will ship a product near some known date.
The organization for which we are working is stable. I am not worrying about whether the project will be cancelled, the company will go bankrupt, or half the team will be hired away.