The flower children of the computer science world. Peace, love, and LispLanguage. Whether 'tis a life free of SideEffects that one finds with the world's first FunctionalProgrammingLanguage, or a life free of the oppressive straightjacket of StaticallyTypedLanguages (ThereAreNoTypes), or both; the LispHippie finds bliss in his (or her) favorite programming language.
Some LispHippies even think that DynamicScoping is a good idea..
Most LispHippies are pretty cool; and I'm sure will realize that this WikiPage is all in fun and not delete it. :) (Or if this page does push the envelope of the spirit of Wiki; be gentle to me at least...)
LispHippies differ from SmugLispWeenies because they are willing to live and let live, even if they don't understand why you make so much trouble for yourself be programming in a LanguageOtherThanLisp.
Long live Lisp Hippies! Welcome to Wiki, and offer some of your bud to your rather uptight SmugLispWeenie brethren, eh?
But SmugLispWeenies can't smoke bud.
Because it has SideEffects!!!!!!
They also tend to treat their environment with consideration, recycle their garbage, have a fondness for trees, learned from their parens to strive for balance, and wear their lists long. Tower power!
And their cars are all Volkswagens. Don't know about their cdr's
By inductive reasoning, their cdr's are also lists (garages?) of zero or more Volkswagens. Although that is rather materialistic for a LispHippie if you ask me. I guess they know the value of everything and the cost of nothing...
But don't listlessly overlook cdrs without lists in them! (volkswagen . elephant)
Some might have Winnebegos. On that fateful day, sipping a Bud, under the stars; watching a portable VHF TV, one could could have wrote in their EtchASketch:
(moon "the_moon" "apollo11(1969)" "peace_for_all_mankind" "rocks" "columbia1")