I don't know the product well, but it's a service (U.S.-only as far as I know) that I believe provides a device that is worn by users (typically older people), and with which they can signal a remote-monitoring service company that they are in need of assistance or attention... i.e. from medical or other public services.
It's most famous for the line used in its TV commercial, "I've fallen and I can't get up." The line was delivered by an old woman lying on the floor, unable to stand up on her own or to reach her telephone and call for assistance.
That line was so badly delivered (or well, depending on your viewpoint I suppose, since it received so much public attention) in the commercial that it was repeated and mocked so widely that it became a part of U.S. culture for a time. It can still be heard from time to time as a sort of cultural reference, or in a nostalgic sense as if remembering a good joke. -- JamesBaker
I think it was maybe Lifecall http://www.voxcom.com/lifecall/
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I've_fallen_and_I_can't_get_up - originated with LifeCall, now a trademark of LifeAlert. -- BillSeitz