Learning Html And Css

last modified: March 6, 2011

This page was inspired by QuickQuestions. It's a work in progress... Still need to comment on appropriateness of the resources, staying away from <font> tag, etc...

HTML is HyperTextMarkupLanguage, the language Web pages are written in. CSS is CascadingStyleSheets, which are used to control the appearance of Web pages.

HTML & CSS online tutorials (arranged from more simple to more advanced, approximately)

HTML & CSS reference materials and standards

Quick ones

Customizing Style Sheets on the Fly at http://www.devx.com/getHelpOn/10MinuteSolution/20746/1954?pf=true

Use MicrosoftInternetExplorer behavior for custom interfaces at http://www.devx.com/getHelpOn/10MinuteSolution/20372/1763

Tools to help you on your way aka Bookmarklets (Work best with Mozilla)

Practically all of them at http://www.squarefree.com/bookmarklets/webdevel.html though particualarly:

Are use of frames important?

Inline frames (IFRAME) has raised attention recently (end 2004) due to security risks. It probably also mean that there are significant use of this feature (MS version) across many sites.

Resources for IFRAME

Questions and Answers

Q: In an HTML page's <a href="..."> tag, can you refer to a file in a different directory, or does HTML expect all files to reside in one directory?

A: On one's own WebSite, one can use the link creation syntax to point at any page, absolute or relative.

If you refer to a subdirectory that doesn't exist, it will not be created. Instead, the Web server will generate an error, usually a "404 Page Not Found".

Note that <dd> has nothing to do with the <a> tag -- <dd> is used to build definition lists. (It does not mean "default directory".)

Also see: HyperTextMarkupLanguage, CascadingStyleSheets, WebsitePatterns, IwannaLearnJavaScript

CategoryWebDesign IwannaLearn
