"Dive into Python" (http://diveintopython.org/)
A wonderful PythonLanguage tutorial (and now a book) for programmers who are already reasonably experienced in other languages.
"Dive into Accessibility" (http://diveintoaccessibility.org/)
Tutorial on AccessibleWebPageDesign, with details about blog tools.
"Dive into OS X" (http://diveintoosx.org/)
A wiki repository of information for MacOsx and Mac OS X Server administrators.
"Dive into Mark" (http://diveintomark.org/)
Very smart and very topical WebLog.
"Dive into XML" (http://www.xml.com/pub/q/divexml)
Online column about ExtensibleMarkupLanguage at O'Reilly's xml.com.
WebLog at IBM developerWorks (http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/dw_blog.jspa?blog=354)
Very funny piece about specs and types of developers, http://diveintomark.org/archives/2004/08/16/specs. Excerpt: "Some people would argue that not all developers are morons or assholes, but they are mistaken. For example, some people posit the existence of what I will call the "angel" developer. "Angels" read specs closely, write code, and then thoroughly test it against the accompanying test suite before shipping their product. Angels do not actually exist, but they are a useful fiction to make spec writers to feel better about themselves."
Mark pretty much stopped maintaining his various blogs in October 2004. The archives are still up and worth reading, however.
Not a home page but a fan page! Mark is one very smart dude.
Seems that Mark has committed infosuicide http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Pilgrim_(software_developer)