JtwoeeEnterpriseComputing concerns with the use of JavaTwoEnterpriseEdition platform to implement computing solutions in a medium to larger corporations (enterprises).
JtwoeeEnterpriseComputing came about due to success of the JavaLanguage, and hot on the heels of commercial failure of CommonObjectRequestBrokerArchitecture (Corba) from ObjectManagementGroup. See WhatsWrongWithCorba.
- Around the same time the threat of MS taking over the big time enterprise computing market, via their ComponentObjectModel was looming. Sun's JavaCommunityProcess based development offered the obvious choice for smaller hardware and software vendors looking for a platform to stage their technology solutions.
- It appeared there were pockets of Corba implementations within the cash rich financial services and brokerage industry. These had strong influences in the JtwoeeEnterpriseComputing space to this date.
IbmCorporation, looking to reinvent itself when it became likely that cheap clusters of TCP-IP (and HTTP based) computing solutions will undermine its enterprise computing customer base, has decided to participate in JtwoeeEnterpriseComputing through its WebSphere offering. Its flagship database product of DbTwo is getting JavaLanguage capabilities. As at late 2005 BigBlue is looking to GridComputing as a means of implementing cluster based computing solutions. Appropriate SoaSystemsManagement services are being worked out in Global Grid Forum and otherinterested parties.
WebServices and JtwoeeEnterpriseComputing
A solution using an EnterpriseServiceBus approach, with or without JavaBusinessIntegration, appear to be the dominant approach to developing ServiceOrientedArchitecture applications on the JavaPlatform.
Is JavaTwoEnterpriseEdition inherently more supportive of IIOP protocol, over use of Http?
Reading material
EnterpriseJavaBeans in Context http://www.informit.com/articles/printerfriendly.asp?p=31527
JavaBeans bridge for ActiveX (older SunCorporation material) http://java.sun.com/products/javabeans/software/bridge/
ServiceOrientedArchitecture http://javaboutique.internet.com/tutorials/serv_orient/article.html
CategoryEnterpriseComputingConcerns CategorySoa