Jay Walker

last modified: May 22, 2002

Describe JayWalker here.

So, you want to know about me? Then read on...

I am married and have two children. My son is 7 and in the 1st grade. My daughter is 4. I live in the same town I grew up in. We have around 30,000 people just in our town and the nearby city has over 100,000. So it is a bit crowded here. I'd love to live somewhere less crowded, but this really is a good town. The schools are excellent and we have family here.

I work as a Technical Support Engineer at Sun Microsystems. I have been working with computers for about 10 years, but before that, I was a substitute English teacher and before that, I was in the Arm, where I was an Arabic linguist, trained in the ArabicLanguage. I work from 2:30am until 1:00pm, Wednesday - Saturday, which gives me a lot of time with my family.

My wife works part time in the evenings, so we get to see each other a lot. When the kids are in school, we actually have the afternoons to ourselves. It is almost like dating again! I am a writer and have had a poem and short story published,although I haven't written much since my son was born (it's funny how having kids seems to take up all your time!).

I have started writing some poetry again and hope to finish the novel I started years ago. If you'd like to see some of my new poem, check out http://hometown.aol.com/jaywalkerwsg. I love to read, mainly biographies and history, but I also love good fiction. I also love to read about science, religion and philosophy. I also like to hike in the mountains and camp when I get a chance. I haven't done much lately, but my son will be going into Cub Scouts soon so I'll get my chance then!

I am 5'7", about 195 lbs. I have dark hair, beard and mustache, brown eyes.

[195 lb?? If correct, you are officially obese - act now or risk a heart attack.]

I am a Freemason and belong to William Sewall Gardner Lodge. I am an officer and enjoy everything it has to offer.

I am a Muslim. To find out how I became one, check out http://www.geocities.com/jprimowalker//Islam/My_call_to_islam

You can email me by mailto:jpwalker@attbi.com or InstantMessenger me:

AOL Instant Messenger - primowalk

Yahoo Messenger - jprimowalker

