An instant messenger system is one that allows people on the Internet to find and communicate with one another in real time (unlike e-mail).
InstantMessenger services and protocols
- AolInstantMessenger
- YahooMessenger
- MirabilisIcq
- JabberProject
- WindowsMessenger (and MSN Messenger and .NET Messenger)
- InternetRelayChat (not really a InstantMessenger, but related)
The following clients support one or more of the above
- Odigo, It can do ICQ/AOL/AIM, and its own chat protocol.
- CeruleanTrillian, (does ICQ/AOL/AIM/Yahoo!/IRC/MSN/Jabber(Pro))
- Gaim (GaimMessenger),, is a very good Gnome interface to AIM, as well as other protocols.
- EveryBuddy, (AIM/ICQ/MSN/Yahoo!/Jabber)
- AYTTM, (AIM/ICQ/MSN/Yahoo!/Jabber) a fork of EveryBuddy
- iChat, It does AIM and (apparently) its own LAN-based protocol.
See also InstantMessaging
Would it be correct to say that the Unix "talk" facility - which (at least in later versions?) could be used across the Internet between compatible Unixen) - was an early form of instant messaging? -- ApoorvaMuralidhara
I think that's close to correct. Of course talk was only for the wimps who could not cope with a real Unix tool such as write. -- DavidVincent