Cerulean Trillian

last modified: January 8, 2003

Wouldn't TrillianUtility be a better name for this page?



I must also recommend Trillian (http://www.trillian.cc) as an excellent IM client, for Windows, in general, and AIM client in particular. The default skin leaves much to be desired, but there are more functional (i.e. "My manager doesn't need to ask what the fancy looking thing is" skins available). -- Anonymous

Given that Jabber seems to have given up overcoming repeated AIM/ICQ blocks, Trillian seems to be the way to go if you're using multiple InstantMessaging services. Don't know how long this will hold out though...

Trillian has been stable for me, even if it uses a little more GDI than I thought it would. --ChrisRudge

