IwannaLearnLinux because some people don't think that "people without Unix knowledge have no right to work in InformationTechnology." Instead of having to explain to people over and again that there's more to IT than Unix, I might as well spend the time learning LinuxOperatingSystem instead.
- Linux is meaning number 3 in WhatIsThisThingCalledUnix
- RedHatLinux suits people with RedHat temperament types
Rest of this page change all Unix to read Linux :)
- I'm not sure that deleting "IwannaLearnUnix" is a good thing. Having both pages may help discussion branch into a discussion on the differences between them, because both have their highs and lows
Other reasons for learning Linux
- more C2 pages with Linux than Unix
- I wonder whether someone can be a proficient Java developer without knowing Unix at all.
- most important Unix applications are available for Windows these days (e.g. Apache). I leave it to the experts to list ones that you really missed out if you do not know Unix at all.
- after I learnt Linux, I can tell Unix people that I know something you don't. Linux is not exactly Unix.
- mention OpenSource and most people think Linux. See http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=109&STORY=/www/story/09-21-2004/0002256071&EDATE=
Need to know CeeLanguage a bit, enough to compile the packages that come with a Unix distribution???
Nonsense. I've been using Linux for years successfully without knowing a shred of C. Just read the INSTALL file with a package and it'll tell you what to do. Or use DebianLinux or something else with a decent PackageManager...
I've occasionally found it useful to know a little CeeLanguage when installing software, because I've occasionally had Autoconf guess wrong about the compiler flags it should use, and have had to fix things manually. Of course, most modern Linux variants include a PackageManager of some kind, so this is a decreasingly important issue. [TammyCravit, 2005/05/11]
Tools of the trade
Presumably an IT person without a Unix PC would have MicrosoftWindows on their intel type PC which they have admin rights.
If you have that much, then you can start learning Unix by installing CygWin on your system. I have not done it myself, but have searched for compatibility problems on the net and problems seem to be few.
- note there is a smaller installation program that will download tons of files and take up lots of space. I do not know how much, my download died in middle and I do not even know whether it knows how to recover itself.
If you do not want to put something on your PC I think you can still get KnoppixLinux which can be started as an OS on the fly(AKA LiveCdOs) .
Dirt cheap books, articles and guides for beginners
- The ManPages
- OreillyAndAssociates Unix Book.
- Linux stuff at http://www.oreillynet.com/faqs/list.csp?id_subject=8
Selected pages from WardsWiki
- UnixCulturalAssumption - OnceAndOnlyOnce (each day, I mean :)
- UnixBeginnersGuide (ever seen people returning from a BlackHole?)
- TheUnixPhilosophy (comparable to DisagreeByDistorting?)
- UnixWay (go your own way)
- WhatIsThisThingCalledUnix (was it ever just one thing? Or a BeeHive?)
- TheUnixHatersHandbook
- HowToDecideIfLinuxIsForYou
- TaoOfLinux
Some web resources
- A list of Linux tutorials for all occasions http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/
- structure of Linux http://tutorials.beginners.co.uk/read/category/11/id/266
- making the switch to Linux gradually http://www.desktoplinux.com/articles/AT7010636622.html
- Unix to Linux migration http://www.cioupdate.com/trends/article.php/3414891
- Myths (and clarifications) between BSD Unix and Linux at http://www.over-yonder.net/~fullermd/rants/bsd4linux/bsd4linux9.php
Aspects of Unix to start your awareness (and appreciation)
file system and permissions (enough to override defaults so your system is not exposed to the entire internet)
adding and removing tools
- are there "uninstall" programs for applications in Unix?
- It depends on how they were installed. If they were installed using the RedHatPackageManager or as part of the installation system of the Linux distribution, the answer will probably be yes.
- are there "uninstall" programs for applications in Unix?
Simple Unix Editor
- ViEditor or
- EmacsEditor.
- NeEditor
- red, gedit (etc) [for the gui conscious]
Script Language
- ShellScripts are probably the simplest...
basic admin tools including
- backup / recovery of data, and ?configuration settings
- IMHO the basic admin tool is the CommandLine ! (See the ManPages on the systems for more information)
IwannaLearnLinux QuickQuestions
Q Are there simple reading material like "Unix for the Microsoft VbClassic developer" ?
My answer for this question is to look for HOWTO type documents for what you want to do. eg: HOWTO shell script. HowTo documents often have step-by-step instructions on, funnily enough, how to do the particular task you are trying to do. -- SusanRoy
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