InformationTechnologyGovernance is the mechanism developed in the late 90's to realize StrategicAlignmentOfItProductsAndServices.
And the objective is to minimize the AgencyProblem by making IT activities more accountable to the funding organization.
The umbrella framework is known as ControlObjectivesForInformationAndRelatedTechnology (CobiT). This model is one of the earliest governance framework, and later joined by ITIL, ISO17799, and CMMI
- ITIL - InformationTechnologyInfrastructureLibrary
- ISO17799 - IsoSecurity
- CMMI - CapabilityMaturityModelIntegration
Why the G men aren't IT men at
A comprehensive analysis of the failure of an IT KnowledgeManagement project at FBI, and chief culprit appear to be lack of CulturalReadiness, and failure in ArguingUpTheManagementChain.
Maybe a better understanding of the SocialDynamics of GovernanceVsManagement can be useful?
IT Governance Institute (owns CobiT)
Information Systems Audit and Control Association
CobiT summary download
BalancedScoreCard used to demonstrate CorporateSocialResponsibility at
- It has been used within an organization to demonstrate IT LeaderShip and Value Alignment.
- MeaninglessDoublespeak has been used within an organization to ReassureCluelessManagement via RandomBuzzwordGeneration. -- Viewpoint of EH which unfortunately, can be true in institutions preoccupied in the CorporateBeautyContest business.