Information Path

last modified: April 18, 2013

An InformationPath is partially ordered a series of EndemeSegment s each of which describes something about the context of a piece of data or information.

The format I am using right now is something like this:

/addr ctct type:A/Identity:B/(1)time:J-K-D H:M:F:I

This would mean something like 'Return the closest Acquaintance birthday down to the millisecond (formatted)'. 'addr ctc type', 'identity', and 'time' are EndemeSet s. A, B, and JKDHMFI are ContextEndeme s for those EndemeSet s. The '(1)' formation means return one piece of data. The segments are partially ordered in that '/addr ctct type:A/Identity:B/(1)time:J-K-D H:M:F:I' means roughly the same thing as '/Identity:B/addr ctct type:A/(1)time:J-K-D H:M:F:I' for example.

As you can see, the context is incomplete as I am still working on this system. I have not yet been able to build a full KnowledgeDatabase. The context path would probably also need to include something about why this data is important, for example an EndemeSegment describing why the person is an acquaintance, for example whether they are in a group of friends or a sales prospect or whatever.

