How Can Someone Type Their Name With Middle Initial Included

last modified: July 14, 2001

I would prefer to type my middle initial because there are others out there with my first and last name. Inserting underscores doesn't seem to work:


Any suggestions?

Signed: George S. Cowan

Spell your full name out, or accept the possible ambiguity of losing your middle initial. --DaveSmith (Dave W. Smith)

GeorgeEssCowan, perhaps? --(exactly)KeithBraithwaite

I think I'll use GeorgeSxCowan.

See also TeeEricChristiansen.

You might consider a DoubleCharacterLinkPattern: GeorgeSsCowan. As there are no words of two identical characters, this can not be misunderstood. But currently this is not popular in this wiki. --HelmutLeitner

Well, yes, there are words of two identical characters. Aa is a rough form of lava. Mm is an interjection. Ee is either the letter E or Scots dialect for "eye". Oo is either obsolete terminology for "one" or a Hawai'ian bird. I have seen "aa" in print in a National Geographic magazine. "Aa" and "mm" are good in North American Scrabble(R). Those two plus "ee" and "oo" are good Scrabble(R) words everywhere else. As far as how to type one's middle name, I prefer GeorgeEssCowan, I think.

Don't forget llama, or Llewyeln. And what about the quokka?

You might try the following -It is understandable and contains no more letter or tricks other than reording as lastname firstname middleinitial: CowanGeorgeS

Unfortunately, CowanGeorgeS doesn't fit the LinkPattern.

GeorgEsCowan would - still no extra letters, First and Last name still Uppercase

What strange country gives their children names with only a middle initial, and not a full name in the middle? The "S" does stand for something, doesn't it?

The US? I think Truman's middle name was just the letter S (no period, even) and I have several Texas friends who have legal names, both first and middle, that are just single letters.

I meant as a cultural convention, not a place where where certain exceptions have occurred. Where was ee cummings based, btw?

To be really pedantic, you could have GeorgeSdotCowan ;-)

