Tee Eric Christiansen

last modified: September 19, 2008

Tee (T.) is his first initial. (Who says you can't use initials?) He is a Java programmer and a Mac fanatic.

Everyone's favorite site:

This Wiki Web's FrontPage

Some of his favorite links:

http://developer.apple.com   Apple's Dev Site
http://java.sun.com/jdc              Sun's Java Developer Connection
http://docs.sun.com              Sun On-line Documentation
http://www.m3.org          Modula 3 site (a not-too-distant cousin of Java)
http://my.excite.com            A nice portal
                                Sun's On-line Java training

The GoodStyle link says to write in the 3rd person. [But not everything in GoodStyle has caught on.]

Tee Eric found a better way to deal with initials than I did. -- RjmangledLesch

