Public meetings for ExtremeProgramming and AgileSoftwareDevelopment newbies, practitioners and experts in Hamburg/Germany. Newcomers are highly welcome.
Next Meeting: As this wiki is usually not editable when we need it: please refer to for the latest announcements. The group is still active, it's only this page here that stays a bit quiet due to wiki-editing restrictions...
When we plan the next meeting using doodle please use doodle (first) to announce if you have time and (later) to announce if you intend to come.
Keeping in touch
To subscribe to our mailing list, send an email to or visit us at
Meeting History
- There have been meetings - I don't currently have the dates available... Maybe somebody else will fill in.
- #72 2007-12-11: Grails and Extreme Glühweindrinking
- #71 2007-11-29: Automated Unit Test Generation with Agitar
- #70 2007-10-22: Coding Dojo (Counting tennis scores, Java)
- #69 2007-07-25: Joined the Ruby-on-Rails Users Group
- #68 2007-06-14: Various topics, Adobe office
- #67 2007-04-16: Pre-Summer-Meeting at the Elbe river.
- #66 2007-02-15: Coding Dojo in Java
- #65 2006-12-14: Traditional Extreme Gluehwein Drinking
- #64 2006-11-14: After Summer break, SecondLife
- #63 2006-07-17: Summer Meeting at the Elbe river. (Alter Schwede)
- #62 2006-06-13: Borland Delphi, DUnit and our Implementation of FIT - Experiences practising strict TestDrivenDevelopment
- #61 2006-02-15: Talking about peoples favourite books and information sources
- #60 2006-01-18: Coding Dojo: Sudoku in Groovy
- #59 2005-12-03: Extreme Gluehwein Drinking
- #58 2005-10-18: HiberNate, presented by ChristianJunghans
- #57 2005-09-15: EberhardWolff presented "Simple Java EE"
- #56 2005-08-16: JuergenAhting's business model ( and exchange of HiberNate experience
- #55 2005-07-14: Elbe Beach: Social Bookmarks & Tagging
- #54 2005-06-20: RalfWirdemann and ThomasBaustert presented RubyOnRails
- #53 2005-05-17: Self, Squeak, Static Typing - Pros and Cons
- #52 2005-04-17: Extreme Stammtisch: Mental Context Switching
- #51 2005-03-15: JuergenAhting talked about the customers' view of quality requirements to state of the art software
- #50 2005-02-14: TorstenMumme presented ExtremeProgrammingExplainedEmbraceChangeSecondEdition
- #49 2005-01-17: SebastianEichner presented the SpringFramework
- #48 2004-12-14: Traditional Extreme Weihnachtsfeiering mit Gluehwein
- #47 2004-11-15: Extreme Fishbowling II: finished two additional stories for our borrowing application
- #46 2004-10-14: ExtremeFishbowl: developed a small borrowing application using the FrameworkForIntegratedTest
- #45 2004-09-14: Retrospective: 4 years HamburgXpUsersGroup
- #44 2004-08-16: Mocks and Dummies
- #43 2004-07-15: TorstenMumme presented LeanThinking and LeanSoftwareDevelopment
- #42 2004-06-17: XpTwoThousandAndFour
- #41 2004-05-17: planned a code camp
- #40 2004-04-19: TheDeadline
- #39 2004-03-15: Test-Driven Databases and mediator practices in Hamburg
- #38 2004-02-17: Test-Driven GUIs:, TheHumbleDialogBox, Jemmy and JFCUnit
- #37 2004-01-19: RefactoringTestCode
- #36 2003-12-14: Christmas party at the Abaton Bistro
- #35 2003-11-17: FlorianSiebert and TorstenMumme compared EclipseIde and IntellijIdea using test driven examples
- #34 2003-10-15: WaltzingWithBears
- #33 2003-09-16: JuergenAhting gave a talk on SoftwareForYourHead
- #32 2003-08-12: PlanningGame
- #31 2003-05-08: FrankWestphals "Testcases from A to Z" and BerndSchiffer about his project at Bremen university
- #30 2003-04-16: TestDrivenDevelopmentByExample: The Money Example
- #29 2003-03-17: Abuse of agile terminology, XP applicability and usefulness for customers
- #28 2002-12-17: FrameworkForIntegratedTest in practice: bridge card game
- #27 2002-11-18: XpUniverseTwoThousandOne papers: AcceptanceTesting and ExtremeMaintenance
- #26 2002-10-15: studied XP200x conference papers: Endo-Testing, RefactoringTestCode, One Suite of Automated Tests
- #25 2002-08-15: TheCrcCardBook
- #24 2002-07-15: met at the Elbstrand, counted container ships going by and traded development techniques
- #23 2002-06-17: XpTwoThousandAndTwo
- #22 2002-05-15: RubyLanguage
- #21 2002-04-18: AlistairCockburns AgileSoftwareDevelopment
- #20 2002-03-15: resumed the BillWakeTestFirstChallenge
- #19 2002-02-15: BillWakeTestFirstChallenge
- #18 2002-01-15: TestFirstProgramming, MockObjects and introducing AgileMethodologies
- #17 2001-12-17: JuergenAhting gave a talk about Scrum
- #16 2001-11-15: Testing and mocking an LDAP implementation
- #15 2001-10-15: MockObjects framework:
- #14 2001-09-17: TheDesignOfEverydayThings and TheFeyerabendProject
- #13 2001-08-15: StefanRoock presented an XP project
- #12 2001-07-16: XpTwoThousandAndOne, XP programming contest and quantitative data proving XP's efficiency
- #11 2001-05-15: Testing
- #10 2001-04-17: UnitTestingLegacyCode
- #09 2001-03-15: WikiWeb and new group focus
- #08 2001-02-22: Groundwork for a local WikiCommunity
- #07 2001-01-16: JoshuaKerievsky's eXPlanations game
- #06 2001-01-13/14: two-day XP workshop, coding a game
- #05 2000-11-20: Marko Boger, architect of ArgoUml, presented the ExtremeModeling approach
- #04 2000-10-25: Lessons learned doing XP and XpeditionaryTraining foundation
- #03 2000-08-23: An attorney spoke about OptionalScopeContracts
- #02 2000-07-12: XpTwoThousand conference reports and MockObjects discussion
- #01 2000-05-23: 15 people kick off local XP User's Group
Books we're reading
- RefactoringToPatterns (votes: FrankWestphal, BerndSchiffer, TorstenMumme, IngoRichter)
- TheFifthDiscipline (votes: TorstenMumme)
- PatternsOfEnterpriseApplicationArchitecture (votes: BerndSchiffer, IngoRichter, MarkoSchulz)
- WorkingEffectivelyWithLegacyCode (votes: FrankWestphal, JuergenAhting, IngoRichter, MarkoSchulz)
- LessonsLearnedInSoftwareTesting (votes: IngoRichter)
(please add your vote if you'd like to see a book discussed at the group meetings)
CategoryGroup CategoryXpUsersGroup CategoryGerman