Xp Two Thousand And One

last modified: January 19, 2006


From 20 to 23 May, 2001 (extended by request).


Tanka Village, Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy. It is a beautiful hotel on the beach, about 50 Km. from Cagliari.


KentBeck is the General Chair, MicheleMarchesi and GiancarloSucci are Program Chairs.


Give a look to XP2001 web site: http://ciclamino.dibe.unige.it/


See ContinuousIntegrationApplied.


LegoMindstorms XP workshop (highlighted simple design, ReFactoring)


Please fix attributions above if I've quoted them to the wrong person.

(Some of the participants in the Experience Exchange post-conference workshop gave their attempts to do XP at a certain Fortune 25 company as an example of saying 'XP' without being even close to doing it.)

Unfortunately, I missed XpTwoThousand. If someone wants to bring a monolith, I'll let my beard grow out and bring a bone next year. -- MichaelFeathers

Yesterday November, 14 I went to Tanka Village. It was a wonderful day (23 C, or 69 F), and I and took some photos, which can be seen at TankaVillagePhotos (All BrokenLinks, page removed 2004-07-15) -- Michele Marchesi

12 February 2001, the advance programme showing tutorials, workshops and session names of the technical programme are available at http://ciclamino.dibe.unige.it/.

If you're into OnsiteCustomers, don't miss the associated WorkshopOnCustomerInvolvement! -- ArieVanDeursen
