GnuSmalltalk is an implementation of the original Smalltalk-80 language.
- From the readme
- ...the goal of the GNU Smalltalk project is currently to produce a complete system to be used to write your scripts in a clear, aesthetically pleasing, and philosophically appealing programming language.
Unlike SqueakSmalltalk, GnuSmalltalk isn't a full environment. However, it also doesn't tie you down in a really ugly environment. Given bindings to good GuiToolkit, this Smalltalk could be really good.
What is not full about it? It does have a class browser and all that.
Recent(6/2004) versions have an IDE based on the TK toolkit.
Would anyone be interested in putting a GUI on GnuSmalltalk? -- AluoNowu
I just saw today on freshmeat that the new testing version of GnuSmalltalk has GTK+ bindings.
- This comment appears to have been made prior to 29 Jul 2003, since apparently there was such an announcement for the stable version on that day. (I wish people would date comments when they say "today". It's not going to be "today" for very long.)
I've been having a few problems getting GnuSmalltalk to compile on MacOsx. Has anyone else tried this? -- ChadThompson
I tried to do that today. I couldn't even get ./configure to work, as it froze while "checking whether a fault handler according to MacOsx PowerPC works..." Has anybody had any success? -- Andy Greenberg
I just [2004-04-13] tried 2.1.7 on MacOsx 10.3.3+fink 0.7. configure does lock up there, but a few lines back it tells you "If something locks up here, please reconfigure with --disable-generational-gc". Using that option it configured, but compilation failed with an infinite #include loop on /usr/include/sys/poll.h. Fiddling with that I got it to compile, but it won't install, some of the makefiles has some error where it's missing a parameter on a mkdir. Well, it's at least partially installed, and I can get into the interpreter, but I can't figure out how to get the browser to come up yet. Not sure it's all there right.
2.1.10 from the GNU ftp site compiled, checked, and installed just fine on OS X 10.3.9 -- IanOsgood
The last version of GNUSmalltalk I got to compile under Solaris 8 was 2.1.3; I had to d/l and install the latest version of autoconf and regenerate the configure script (from just to get it to run, but it fails to compile. With some ham-handed meddling with the code I've gotten it to compile, but it won't run (not surprisingly).
Under Linux, the configure script complained a lot less, and with some minor meddling in the code (not quite so ham-handed), I got it to compile and to run, but I've misplaced my notes as to how to set up BLOX (the gui environment), so I haven't played with that one TOO much.
I haven't tried to configure & compile it on MacOsx yet.
Is there anybody who compiled it in Win32/Cygwin? -- SavasAlparslan
The GreatComputerLanguageShootout uses this version of SmalltalkLanguage for their benchmarks, where it is currently last on the list! SmugSmalltalkWeenies wanted to bring it up to date with the rest of the languages.
It is not actually part of the GnuCompilerCollection; GnuSmalltalk doesn't use any of the front-, middle-, or back-end of the GnuCompilerCollection. It isn't even a native-code compiler; it compiles to a Smalltalk VirtualMachine (as is standard for Smalltalk).
CategorySmalltalk CategoryLanguageImplementation