Gesture Recognition

last modified: September 22, 2010

Also known as MouseGestures, a UserInterface feature that allows the user to interact with a program using gestures -- simple motions -- rather than clicks or keypresses or menus.

Implementations of GestureRecognition:

When you are used to this, you'll probably find yourself trying to use it in programs which don't support it (certainly in other Web browsers)...

The AppleNewton incorporated a number of gestures into its core interface:

In many respects, the AppleNewton's interface has improved on most of its successors. -- IanOsgood

Note that PieMenus (like Optimoz) can implement GestureRecognition synergistically. The mouse motion through a radial menu is indistinguishable from most gesture recognition. Also, PieMenus allow using the keypad to reach the same commands. UpRight->StraightDown (gesture), UpperRightMenu->BottomMenu (radial), and 9-2 (keypad) all access the same function. -- LayneThomas

An interest in SingleCell structure compared to Starsystems might lead one to discreetly request information from Enthusiasts, though if their credentials already on file. Letters written on paper with deckled edges, would have, an improved probability of making it to the recipients even if it made fascinating reading before depositing in PneumaticTubes. Plus the fact one has been in the grand architectures towering above the landscape. Rendering sketches while taking a break from jobs so difficult and intricate you could lose yourself in the depths of them as in a mathematical problem. Leaving images of AlienTectonics, huds etc. among scale models even though picture-shows with Enthusiasts names based on said CellStructure functions were made long ago. What is important is that none of the 3 SuperStates ever gains a significant lead on the other. Freedom to wear whatever colours being an important privilage, cell particles generally are transparent to enthusiasts looking at them Stereoscopically.

