Apple Newton

last modified: January 17, 2006

An early HandHeld PersonalDigitalAssistant that pre-dated PalmPilot but had many devoted users. Monochrome and fairly big, only dial-up networking in those days but had handwriting recognition that was sophisticated even by today's standards. Was discontinued in the late 1990s.

Programmed in NewtonScript, a dialect of SelfLanguage. Once you learned the object framework, it was a joy to hack on. One could decompile the bytecode of any app with ViewFrame, even those in ROM, and get a fully indented symbolic listing. This made it possible for me to write some glue to play a chess program for it called Deep Green on the internet chess servers. Mmmm.... geeky! -- IanOsgood

An underground development community has come up with useful items such as PcCard Ethernet and WiFi drivers.

There are still yearly World-Wide Newton Conferences. In 2006, they introduced an emulator for the Newton hardware that allows running the Newton Os on Linux based handhelds like the Zaurus or Nokia 770.

Did you know you can run a web server on your Newton? Here is a dynamically served screenshot from such a server (note the familial resemblance with the current MacOsx dock.)

