Hey guys, this is a piece of news I just heard:
In response to the AgileAlliance, FragileProcess inventors have formed the FragileAlliance.
The members of the FragileAlliance are avoiding considering new ways of developing software, yet re-inventing new ones all the time.
The FragileAlliance values:
- Worrying over ProblemSolving.
- Focusing blame on people rather than the problem.
- Delay over action.
- Revising a plan instead of following it.
- More documentation on top of more documentation.
- The avoidance of any firm commitments to management or customers regarding schedule or budget. The motto of the FragileProcess: Were always NinetyPercentDone!
That is, while there is little value in what a FragileProcess does, practitioners take great pride in doing it.
Reported by JasonNocks
Apparently, there was already a group defining FragileDevelopment. In the spirit of FragileDevelopment, I'll leave this duplication as it is for the moment.
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