A solution to many of the problems within this wiki - exists! It is a process of the federation of individually composed fragments of information within a network of sites served by a process of hyperlinking relationships and concerns
- one solution is to copy and refactor pages to a new type of wiki patterned after the first SmallestFederatedWiki ( WardCunningham newest discovery in his constant quest for WhatItWantsToBe )
- This is already happening
- a notation I have temporarily added to pages here the date is shown to deliberately identify when the federation of the document was done
-- http://don.fed.wiki.org/view/welcome-visitors/view/federation-of-your-internet
The following desirable results will occur:
- BeachedSharkAndStrandedGeeVee
- No more Grammar or other vandals
- Content preserved or demolished by the content author, while enabling sharing and collaboration
Active Wikis Possible Federation Targets
here is a suggested list of Links and prefixes which can be assigned to PublicWikiForums:
- prefix2 - Name - locale (base href) & page name
- ew - EmacsWiki (a wiki about GNU Emacs): http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/RecentChanges
- ff - FoxForumWiki (VisualFoxPro): http://fox.wikis.com/wc.dll?wiki~RecentChanges
- gw - Go Wiki: http://senseis.xmp.net/?RecentChanges
- gc - Guides for cities: http://openguides.org
- km - Knowledge Management - http://www.km-forum.org/what_is.htm
- kw - KmWiki (Knowledge Management Wiki): http://kmwiki.wikispaces.com/home
- ma - MacBrickout Wiki: http://www.leapfrogsw.com/cgi-bin/qwiki?RecentChanges
- mw - MeatballWiki (see MeatBall): http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?RecentChanges
- c2 - PortlandPatternRepository (Here!): http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?RecentChanges
- sw - SeattleWireless: http://www.seattlewireless.net/RecentChanges
- sl - SenseisLibrary: http://senseis.xmp.net/?RecentChanges
- sp - SpookyWiki: http://www.spookydistance.com/cgi-bin/public-wiki.pl?RecentChanges
- ss - SqueakSmalltalk: http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/recent
- tw - TolkienWiki ("Lord of the Rings" and other books by JrrTolkien): http://www.thetolkienwiki.org/wiki.cgi?RecentChanges
- tu - TunesWiki: http://tunes.org/cliki/ (2000-2006, now frozen)
- tc - TwikiClone
- ot - The Original Twiki : http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/TWiki/WebChanges
- co - Code Development : http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Codev/WebChanges
- tp - Plug Ins : http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WebChanges
- ts - Support : http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Support/WebChanges
- um - UseModWiki
- uw - UseMod Wiki : http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?RecentChanges
- ur - Rss Feed : http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?action=rss
- vb - VB Wiki (VbClassic stream of VisualBasic): http://vb.wikis.com/wc.dll?vb~RecentChanges
- wp - WikiPedia: http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Recentchanges
- zw - ZwikiWeb (ZopeApplicationServer): http://zwiki.org/RecentChanges
- mc - Category List : http://donaldr.noyes.com/CategoryList/RecentChanges.htm
- mp - ProjectsList : http:// donaldr.noyes. com/Projects/RecentChanges.htm
- ml - LocalesList : http:// donaldr.noyes. com/Locales/RecentChanges.htm
- pg - PagesList : http:// donaldr.noyes. com/Pages/AllPages.htm
- (changes): http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?RecentChanges
- (this has switched to MediaWiki/logged in edits only, is no longer active except as a spam database)
- you can find many useful pages including:
- Public Commentary - Integrating Technology
- New kinds of social networks and energy platforms are starting to address that need. A complete social network such as integrating the "Internet of things -- between 2011 and 2020 the number of connected devices globally will grow from 9 billion to 24 billion as the benefit of connecting more and varied devices is achieved.
- AnotherWikiTrainingPage
- OtherWikis
- RecentChangesOnOtherWikiForums
- YetAnotherWiki
- YetAnotherWikiClone
- YetAnotherWikiName
- WikiWikiClone for links to many more wikis.
- SwitchWiki for a links to *every* known public wiki.
- TwinPages for schemes used to show links together, including the one I use in SFW
While being influenced by what I saw in SmallestFederatedWiki,
- I just had to try something similar
- having a far-ranging scope: The entire internet
- formatted as you chosen
- accumulated on a local laptop computer using a WikiServer.
Test Edits for other schemes testing use to make room for the FederationOfYourInternet
- Pages used as Edit and Accumulation Tools:
- WikiDisplayedAsPages - See and Use - More than one page or page-view at a time
- Federation of Information
- MyInternetPersonalities
- Who I am interested in
- Significant People in Technology
- MyLocales and WikiServers Used or to be used:
- EddiesWiki Clone
- http://localhost - with Multi-page, topical editing and utilizing drag copy and drop operations between pages
- EddiesWiki Clone
- DonaldNoyes.DoingStuff.20140226