WikiName for "Dilbert" which is a comic strip by ScottAdams and distributed in USA by UnitedFeaturesSyndicate, Inc.
Cubicle dwellers sell their souls. At cost.
Dilbert is an engineer for an unnamed dysfunctional company, with a clueless PointyHairedBoss who picks up every fad that comes by, but understands none. His coworkers are slackers, backstabbers, and paranoids. His dog, DogBert, is an evil consultant. As of 9 Jan 2003, the latest fad for the PointyHairedBoss is ExtremeProgramming. Should be very painful for DilBert.
See also:
- official HomePage with daily ComicStrip.
- RSS link to the Dilbert strip. Use SharpReader to aggregate a number of RSS feeds including Dilbert, UserFriendly, MSDN news, MartinFowler, and various blogs.
- DilbertCritique for a different perspective on "the Dilbert phenomenon".
- DilbertMoment
- DilbertMomentsAvoided
- DilbertOnExtremeProgramming
- DilbertsSalaryTheorem
- DilbertUncertaintyPrinciple
- PhilPrinceOfInsufficientLight
- InverseDilbertCorrelationFactor
There's a little bit of Dilbert in all of us, unfortunately. --EricJablow
(worse, there is way too much PointyHairedBoss in most management droids that wander around... --Dennis Parrott
DilBert illustrates to average people what life is like for above-average engineers with below-average bosses. --the average PhlIp
Just keep reminding yourself - "DilBert is not my Horoscope. DilBert is not my Horoscope. DilBert is not my..."
The appeal of the Dilbert strip is ScottAdams's ability to delicately balance things that are TooTrueToBeFunny with just enough things that are TooFunnyToBeTrue. --CameronSmith