Phil Prince Of Insufficient Light

last modified: February 22, 2010

Phil, the "prince of insufficient light" is a character in the DilBert cartoon. (He's the PointyHairedBoss' brother too.)

A lightweight version of Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness, and responsible for punishing minor sins. He has the power to darn you to Heck. Watch out for his pitchspoon. Often, for only 15 minutes...he temporarily ** darns you to heck*!!* (compare with Eternal Damnation to Hell.)

Although strangely enough 'Lucifer' means "bearer of light". And in Dutch, matches are called lucifers.

This is not inconsistent with the Bible supposedly saying that Lucifer was the second in command until he rebeled. A more theologically grounded person could probably say more. However, see fascinating read Let me add that the LDS church teachings differ quite largely in dogma and in doctrine from the Catholic and Protestant teachings. Failure to note that important fact confuses things.

The Bible doesn't say that Lucifer was second in command until he rebelled. In fact, the Bible doesn't contain anything close to a fully worked out demonology. Most of the common ideas about this stuff are derived from other sources.

Any URLs handy on the topic? for a brief but scholarly treatment.

See Also: DilBert

Lucifer also occurs as the name for a match in the WWI marching song, Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit-Bag - see

