If you've come here because this page was put on your page, visit DeletedButWelcomeToWiki to understand more about what's going on. You might also want to visit NewUserPages and AdviceToNewcomers.
DeleteThisPageSoon is a suggested alternative to putting DeletedButWelcomeToWiki on a new, experimental page.
When someone clearly hasn't got a clue about how a wiki works and what they're supposed to do, they often splatter pages around in their attempts to explore the ideas. Currently these immediately get marked for deletion to make sure they don't end up as forgotten, irrelevant cruft. But deleting them immediately doesn't necessarily help people to understand the potential in wiki. We want to encourage them to contribute, so we could, should leave comments for them on those pages.
If we put DeleteThisPageSoon at the bottom of the page then we'll be able to find it again and delete it when it's served its purpose a few days hence. That way it won't matter that it's dropped off the RecentChanges list.
If this tag seems too strong use DeleteThisPageSomeTime.
- Thanks GZ for this suggestion. I'll start to use it -- dl
This is a step in the right direction, but DeleteThisPageSoon still seems to be too blunt. Is there a more civil way to say this? Perhaps something like IsThisAtest? (not made a WikiWord because there might be an even better way to express this).
Some of the pages this phrase is used on do not fit any of the descriptions given above. Often pages appear written by new visitors who see the great potential the wiki has in linking and developing the thinking process. To cut them off with the quick use of the WalledGarden, and other such comments is not as helpful as some appropriate comment seeking clarification and perhaps providing some hint as to how the idea presented might be rethought and restated so that it could profit from being retained and developed further. That is why I say -- Before you DeleteThisPageSoon See: DiversityIsSmotheredOnWiki and WikiUncertaintyPrinciple
Why not use DeletedButWelcomeToWiki?
Historically, this tag came first. DeletedButWelcomeToWiki was suggested as an alternative because DeleteThisPageSoon was thought to be too blunt.
The two are different, however. DeletedButWelcomeToWiki can be used when the contents have been removed, whereas DeleteThisPageSoon can leave the contents. Maybe the difference is too small to justify two different tags, but maybe the difference is large enough to allow them both.
It appears this could also be used to mark for deletion pages created by seasoned WikiZens. An edit like DeleteOffTopic can be rude even when true, due to CommunityInterests in the contents (e.g. the movie stuff).
Any deletion tag can be abused or inadvertently used inappropriately. Use your common sense: if you find a deletion tag on a page worth saving, remove the tag. YesBut..
Think there is a mis communication. I am suggesting the use of this tag, instead of a DeleteOffTopic (or Delete...) right away. The other "slow delete" function is the IsThisPageOk / IsThisOffTopicPageOk mechanism.
See also: HowToDeletePages
CategoryDelete CategoryAutoIgnore CategoryWikiTag