Welcome to Wiki.
Keep a low profile. Don't try to suggest or to reform anything too fast; understand fully the reasons why some mechanisms which seem odd at first are there in the first place; they usually have a reason to be there.
There are a lot of mixed signals here, so there could be a little confusion. Try to see clearly what's going on and explain your point of view or ask questions if you don't understand.
Try to write in DocumentMode to produce signal rather than noise. ThreadMode (conversational) pages can quickly become a real headache. Alternative page styles are PatternMode, ListMode and FaqMode.
In a ThreadMode page, GoodStyle is to put your comments in italics if the preceding comment was in regular type, in order to clarify who's saying what; or vice versa. You can also UseSignatures if you wish, preceded by two dashes and a space: -- YourName. Leaving a date is optional.
You could also chose to be a kind and efficient WikiGnome; you'd ReFactor pages, correct spelling mistakes, fix broken formatting and so on. This is known colloquially as FixYourWiki.
If you are flamed, or in the centre of a flame war, do not answer. Be polite, even when aggressed: no need to aggravate a bad feeling. Read HowToReactToaFlame.
DeleteInsults anywhere you see them
Alternatively, leave the site for a couple of weeks - or better, turn your computer off for a while. A little real life never hurts. TheInternetIsNotYourLife
See also: TipsForBeginners.