DeceptivePractice by ItManagement, whose are charged with PeopleManagement tasks, are rampant in times where BrainsAsaCheapCommodity.
In these hard times, lots of managers are interested in building up a team of "loyal followers", more so than times where technical skills are scarce.
Some of the practices include:
- Put staff on a DeathMarch and abandon them
- BlameStorming
- Put a tight rein on information and communications, and often they are involved in passing erroneous and /or misleading information to stakeholders (users and other management).
- Publish a strict "code of practice" which in theory applies to everyone, yet in practice they choose the interpretation and application as they see fit. These then in effect become "instruments of terror".
- Isolate staff with good reputation, and even put them in freezer without meaningful work. People cannot be bear with a slow stranglation of whats left of their career are forced to leave "voluntarily".
- Put junior staff who are willing to intimidate other staff on rapid promotion path.
- note the "code of practice" will be used to discipline staff who dare to mention anything different from official communications, on premise that such actions cause disruptions in the workplace.