Computer Studies

last modified: October 16, 2013

There is something called ICT taught at colleges and other places of learning. It used to be called IT and before that was called Computer Studies.

Sometimes some good comes of it. . . BernardMichaelHurley

Sometimes. It's mostly back to being called IT, but modern IT focuses on business analytics including BigData, business intelligence, databases and data management, and user support including technical writing and trainer training. There's little to none of the old-school standards: systems analysis and systems design with lots of E/R diagrams, DFDs, and SSADM. ComputerStudies has fallen out of favour -- nobody knew what it was. Typical higher education degree choices offered in computing -- at least among institutions that know what they're doing -- are IT and/or ComputerScience, possibly with specialisation options in either or both.

