Bernard Michael Hurley

last modified: July 22, 2004

Bernard, AreYouThere last edited August 2, 2002

Description (Incomplete) of Bernard Michael Hurley (alias BernardMichaelHurley

Hi there folks! Here's my FAQ (FAQ = frequently asked questions = questions no one would ever think of asking had they not read the FAQ in the first place)


1) Why the "Michael"?

Many years ago I was subscribed to a mailing list which also included another Bernard Hurley. I got fed up with being flamed for his (? I assume) posts so I started adding my middle name and it sort of became a habit. I still got flamed!

2) Are you a vegetarian?

Well, let's put it like this: I read somewhere that you can live for more or less ever (and that's a long time) if you stick to a diet of fresh fruit and Cabernet Sauvingon. I'm already half way there.

3) What got you interested in XP?

I first thought it was some sort of deodorant. Seriously though I've been programming like this for years, if you ignore the testing stuff and the pair programming and the......

4) Have you anything sensible to say?

I have been teaching ComputerStudies at West Herts College for 11 years (and that's even longer than for ever), but I will soon be getting a proper job. My favorite activities are Java, Perl, PHP, C++, Linux and now XP (recent convert). I do have a life too, but that's not for general publication.

5) Any links?

Try or

