Category Wikipedia Link

last modified: September 24, 2005

A category for pages that should be referred to WikiPedia.

One of the ideas is to gather data to see if it's justified to ask Ward to provide a special link syntax for WikiPedia. While this site is not necessarily committed NeutralPointOfView (but informed and well-argued opinion and insight is more appreciated here), there are topics that are perfectly suited for encyclopaedic, NPOV treatment. It would be foolish to try to duplicate the effort on WikiPedia, but we need to link to it.

So the recommended pattern is to create a C2 wiki page that contains just the link to WikiPedia, a horizontal line separator and CategoryWikipediaLink. If later, Ward finds it justified to provide a NearLink for WikiPedia it will be easy for WikiGnome to refactor such links. -- CostinCozianu

cf. CategoryExternalLink for discussion on a similar idea.

So I want to encourage contributors to defer to WikiPedia as much as possible, in order to avoid many problems like duplication of effort, redundancy in content, lack of focus and dissipation of energy, etc.

But if somebody feels that there is something insightful or an intelligent and informed opinion in addition to what is already written on WikiPedia, then probably C2 is a good candidate to host such content. If such is the case, then please delete CategoryWikipediaLink from such a page. -- CostinCozianu

I'm rather doubtful about this - not many pages merit it, and it seems more like an excuse for removing material that may be factual but is arbitrarily deemed of little worth here. Also, it's extremely unlikely that Ward would introduce a new syntax just to allow a short prefix for a Wikipedia url. --AnonymousDonnor

Yes, removing material that is of little worth here. There's already much better material at WikiPedia, so why would C2 bother ? OnceAndOnlyOnce. For example, you restored the "material" in JamesClerkMaxwell ? What's its value here ? To show that at some point somebody felt like copying a few phrases from an encyclopaedia to c2 and create one irrelevant page ? The energy and acrimony with which non-value is defended never ceases to amaze me. --Costin

