Category Stories

last modified: July 20, 2006

A Story is used to describe or present something in relation to its parts or to describe some of the influences and forces involved.

Some Parts and Influences in a BusinessStory:

Stories are used even when they may not be needed directly in the creation of a software system. It may serve as a means of reference as when it is used as a UsefulLie or a StakeInTheQuicksand.

Pages categorized as Stories can be found by clicking on the title of this page.

Contrast this technical term with CategoryStory, which marks pages that contain humorous or entertaining anecdotes.

Also note that the difference in the two categories is that a story is incidental, whereas stories are accumulative. Stories are not only about the topic of stories, but about how stories are used, how they are constructed, where they may be found, etc.

Use CategoryStory when the reference is to a single story, the CategoryStories for all other Story Relationships.

