AntiPattern Name: CareeristCornCob
Type: Development
Problem: You need to choose a technology for your development
Context: You need to develop some new system or piece of software that could easily be developed using established technologies
- You are keen to keep yourself marketable by have new technologies on your CV/resumee
- You find learning new technologies interesting and stimulating
- You are better at coping with new technologies than your peers, so you shine in this situation
Supposed Solution: Use an exciting new technology.
Refactored Solution:
- Find some other project for you to work on that does need new technology
- Find work in a more technologically adventurous company
- Using a RelationalDatabase when an ObjectOrientedDatabase would be just fine (or vice versa).
An example of CornCob described in AntiPatternsBook. Formulated into the template by StephenHutchinson
This AntiPattern is described from the perspective of the Careerist. It could also be described from the perspective of, say, the project manager. --- CategoryAntiPattern