Business Continuity

last modified: March 21, 2010

BusinessContinuity analysis is a RiskManagement exercise necessary for most EnterpriseApplications. It is also an ExtremeChangeManagementPlan. See for the description of one approach.

Some sectors have good provisions for BusinessContinuity

Sept 11, bang. Lots of financial firms that have "Global books" manage to carry on, and in the US lots of disaster recovery plans kick in very quickly. Do a search on computing articles and find your favorite stories.

Where there is risk, there is opportunity...

For consultants, marketing firms, new businesses, etc. Those calling YtwokHoax did not catch the bus to take advantage of the YearTwokBusinessOpportunity.

SecurityManagement. Don't leave home without it

see Security must be key part of OutSourcing at

US 9/11 UserStory

Location (resource) awareness technologies facilitated recovery from the disaster. See details at

UK DWP LessonsFromFailure

This report:

describes a rather interesting incident in the UK. A couple of quotations from the article may be in order:


2003 Australian Commonwealth UserStories at

