is the silent, written generation of ideas in a group.
Example: A group meets to BrainWrite about a product. To begin, each participant silently writes down ideas on cards. After some time has passed, the group reads through all the cards and discusses them.
Research indicates that brainwriting always results in more ideas than BrainStorm**ing, given the same size group and time period.
From, BrainWriting...
- ...overcomes different levels of hierarchy in a group.
- ...makes participants more comfortable speaking in front of a group.
- ...fosters general participation by reducing dominated conversations.
- ...initially boosts ideas before a BrainStorm.
There are two main variants: static and dynamic BrainWriting.
-- MartineDevos, FridemarPache
This is a variation on brainstorming, of which there are a huge number of varieties. Each has pluses and minuses. My personal favorite is SuperHeroBrainStorming. Many are discussed in "Techniques of Structured Problem Solving" ISBN: 0442212232
IBM Canada hosted a process they called a DelphiConference in the late 1980s. A Moderator and a dozen or so people in a room, each with a computer connected to via a LAN. The moderator would chair the session introducing an initial, provocative issue that required resolution. Everyone could see the responses of all others during those periods when a specific facet of the issue was being assessed. This process generated a lot of documentation very quickly, the worth of which was a function of the skill levels of the moderator as well as the participants. -- HansWobbe
See BrainStorm, PostponeJudgment, CardSwap, MentalShorthand and the works by VanGundy (see