Borland Corp

last modified: September 11, 2007

Borland Software Corporation is the company that is responsible for technically successful (much lesser commercially) BorlandDelphi (see DelphiLanguage). Other technically interesting products include InterBase.

See also CodeGear ( which is part of Borland.

Their other products include Borland JBuilder, Csharp Builder and IIOP based Janeva (have not been commercialized even though discussed for years).

The company is currently (mid 2005) in financial squeeze (again) and its CEO was outed in July.


Borland was founded by PhilippeKahn on a shoestring and got its initial growth selling TurboPascal for CP/M and MS-DOS computers (late 1983). This product was innovative in price (low) and the inclusion of an IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment (IDE).

During the nineties, BorlandCorp has been viewed as a fierce competitor (technically) of MicroSoft. But MicrosoftWay prevails, as evidenced by the conversion of the architect of BorlandDelphi (AndersHejlsberg) to MS, and subsequently producing the CsharpLanguage for MicrosoftDotNet.

The firms refocus of its technology on the JavaPlatform has not been successful, as it had to compete with early starters, and bigger players like BigBlue.

