Anders Hejlsberg

last modified: February 9, 2010

You probably haven't heard of Anders Hejlsberg unless you are a hardcore Delphi programmer or an employee at Microsoft or Borland. Anders, a past Borland employee described as Delphi's ChiefArchitect, was recruited over to Microsoft a few years ago to work on their compilers division. CsharpLanguage, the brand-spankin'-new language to ship with the .NET architecture, was created, from the ground up, by Anders and his team.

Recently, O'Reilly had the fortune of interviewing this great programmer. The interview is a bit long but interesting. Some of the questions in the interview include: "Why would you choose C# over Visual Basic, C++, or even COBOL? What is it that makes C# so compelling?"; "... does C# include built-in support for regular expressions?"; "What are the planned release dates for C#, the .NET framework, and the next version of Visual Studio," and many other great, interesting questions! See

Another interview is linked to from CheckedException.

