Boost Spirit Library

last modified: June 25, 2012

The BoostSpiritLibrary is one of the BoostLibraries. See

Spirit is an object-oriented recursive-descent parser generator framework implemented using template meta-programming techniques. Expression templates allow us to approximate the syntax of Extended Backus-Normal Form (EBNF) completely in C++.

The Spirit framework enables a target grammar to be written exclusively in C++. Inline EBNF grammar specifications can mix freely with other C++ code and, thanks to the generative power of C++ templates, are immediately executable. In retrospect, conventional compiler-compilers or parser-generators have to perform an additional translation step from the source EBNF code to C or C++ code.

It makes use of other BoostLibraries, including the BoostPhoenixLibrary.

See also CppTemplateMetaprogramming (book) which gives examples of its use.

See BoostLibraryDiscussion

CategoryBoost CategoryCpp CategoryMetaprogramming
