For a long time there have been pages on this wiki about the BoostLibraries. These document a resource for CeePlusPlus which has been developed over a long period of years by a lot of different people. A recent development had been to have a category which covers about 20 pages. Some of the libraries have their own pages. I added a page for the BoostSpiritLibrary, to a link which already existed. For some reason this has attracted the attention of someone who has labelled it as probably spam. I disputed this and regarded it as a hostile remark rather than an edit hint. It seems as though this was an overreaction.
I work away quietly and incrementally, adding to things here and making sure that what I do is well linked into whatever else is there. I have focused on the CeePlusPlus area because that is of interest to me but I do a lot of other things as well. I do not see any problem with documenting a range of the libraries and their sometimes quite complex interrelations. The pages also point readers to some books which give helpful background and examples.
Some years ago I invented the tag ParkingTicket which I use to indicate where someone had made a sarcastic rather than a helpful remark, derogatory to the efforts of someone else, and I regarded the intervention here as in that category. The remark has now been removed and this discussion of the Boost libraries remains.
-- JohnFletcher
Space for discussion
It was Top who made the "EditHint". I very much doubt there was any malicious intent; I'm sure it was an honest mistake.
Hmm. Odd that I should be away from this Wiki for a number of weeks and come back to find whom but Top at the center of Yet Another Slamming discussion. There are certain contributors here who desperately need to get their act together, apparently. If one can't contribute without attacking other contributors then perhaps this isn't the proper Wiki for one's contributions.
Yes, I know - Top isn't an individual, but rather a collective. Top is similar to the Lisp community here (and elsewhere) in their rather strident insistence that their preferred language or methodology or deodorant or whatever is The Only Solution!!, and that everything else is kaka. I had hoped that time and experience would mellow out some of these extreme views. Ahh, disappointment continues to reign.
Top is an individual, and as noted above, there was no attack involved. It was simple mistake.
My apologies to whoever it was put the comment there. I have clearly overreacted. I have modified the top part of this page accordingly. -- JohnFletcher
CategoryBoost, CategoryCpp, CategoryDiscussion