Big Iron Aint Cheap

last modified: August 10, 2011

A common mistake (AntiPattern) in the industry is to purchase the BigIron product with the assumption that it's as easy to setup and administer as "mid-iron" tools. This is often done with the belief that if the "Cadillac" product is purchased, then it is overall better in easier in every factor. Put another way, they believe that the high price buys simplicity also. In some cases it's ManagementByEgo ("the best only get the best").

The truth is that BigIronAintCheap and doing it right requires sufficient staff, training, expertise, and equipment. While such products offer potentially more scalability and reliability than their mid-level cousins, they only achieve this level if sufficient resources are devoted to them. Purchasing the product is only the first step.

See Also: PickTheRightToolForTheJob

